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The logo for Kyber depicting a red swan

01 // Overview

Identifying Emerging Risks Through Large Data

Over the summer of 2019, I had the opportunity to work at RBC Amplify as a UX/UI designer and this case study is a general summary of the experience. RBC Amplify is an innovation program where your team is given a business challenge and by then end of the internship pitch the solution to senior executives against 21 other teams in hopes of winning one of the awards.

Due to the Non-Disclosure Agreement I signed, I am not able to discuss or show the specifics of the solution, but I have been given permission to provide a general overview of the research process I went through as well as showcasing the logo I created.

02 // Background




UX Researcher
UX/UI Designer


3.5 months (May 2019 - Aug 2019)


1 Business Analysts
1 Data Scientist
1 Developer

03 // Problem

How might we identify the most important emerging risks in a large volume of data?

RBC's Market Risk department examines daily market data, position data, and risk data across many business lines in an attempt to identify emerging risks that may pose a threat to its trading portfolio. However, as the quantity of incoming data is increasing, it is becoming more difficult to identify these risks.

04 // User Research

Users had many manual processes, leaving them with little time to analyze the data

After my team participated in two weeks of knowledge sessions to gain an understanding of what Market Risk does, I structured questions for interviews with our users.

Our team conducted around 20 interviews to understand the entire problem space, as well as conducting a second round of interviews with 10 additional analysts to hone in on specific problems and questions identified in our first round. I also performed job shadows with analysts to understand what their actual work experience looked like.

The key insight I discovered was that many of the processes analysts performed involved manually sifting through large quantities of data, which occupied the majority of their day, leaving little time for actual analysis of the data.

05 // Research Synthesis

What pain points do risk analysts face?

After completing the interviews, I wrote down key phrases and ideas onto sticky notes and organized them into groups based on similarities through an affinity diagram. I discovered 4 pain points our users had.

Our team decided to focus on solving issues #2 and #3 due to the immediate benefits it would present to the users and the potential business impact it would have.

An icon of a magnifying glass searching a line graph

Issue // 01

Detection of outliers in data

There were no tools in place to allow for users to detect outliers in data, unless they manually identified them, which is hard when sorting through large volumes of it.

An icon of a graph with a line across it

Issue // 02

Lack of visualizations for interpreting data

It was challenging to communicate insights and make informed decisions based on the data because of a lack of visualizations.

An icon of a gear with a warning

Issue // 03

Computational intensity required to perform tests

The time and computational resources required to perform these tests was a bottleneck in data analysis workflows.

An icon of a database with a warning

Issue // 04

Poor data infrastructure for storing data and lack of data governance

There was no unified data lake. As well, APIs were not standardized as well as column names, making it a challenge to use.

06 // Persona

Who is impacted by the pain points?

A portrait of an analyst


Market Risk Analyst


Julian needs to monitor and assess a large volume of data to identify any risks which may pose a threat to the trading portfolio. However, his time performing an analysis is limited due to cumbersome manual processes and the computational time it takes to run certain tests.


An icon of a magnifying glass identifying data

A quicker way to identify potential risks

An icon of a data visualization

The ability to assess data points through visualizations

07 // Usability Testing

Round 1 - Paper Prototype


An icon of a thumbs down

Not all information presented on the visualizations was useful

An icon of a thumbs down

Analysts used several tools in their work flow and as such might forget the meaning of icons without labels


An icon of a thumbs up

Change the visualizations and data to be relevant

An icon of a thumbs up

Add labels to the icons

An icon of a thumbs up

Focus more of our limited time on the sections that our users identified as being the highest valued features

Round 2 - Low-Fidelity Prototype


An icon of a thumbs down

Analysts were concerned with how accurate our insights were


An icon of a thumbs up

Add a graph to compare our machine learning model's accuracy versus the traditional performance

Round 3 - High-Fidelity Prototype


An icon of a thumbs down

Analysts had difficulties viewing data due to visualization colours being too similar to the background


An icon of a thumbs up

Change the app's colour scheme to meet accessibility needs

08 // Branding

Establishing a theme

To stay consistent with the dark theme of the website and the concept of risk, I wanted the design of the logo and branding material (such as slide decks) to incorporate both of these elements.

The styling sheet for Kyber's design

Incorporating our team’s problem space into the logo design

The Enterprise Market Risk team looks at identifying black swan events before they happen and since our tool would help them with that process, I decided that this idea would be appropriate in theme, while also being memorable.

I used the golden ratio to create the logo digitally and after trying out different colour schemes and gradients, I finalized the design. I decided to have the edges of the swan disappear into the background as I wanted to give the swan the idea of being illusive.

A sketch of the Kyber logo and the final design

09 // Reflection

Our team accepting the award for winning at the expo

Outcome & lessons learned

After all of our team's hard work, our project was huge success!

An icon of a trophy

Our team pitched our solution against 21 teams and won the "Most Disruption Solution" award at Amp Expo

An icon of a quill signing a paper

Our team signed a patent, which was granted in December 2022

An icon of a speedometer

Our project was able to reduce the time of the traditional process from several hours to instantaneous

An icon of design utensils

Lesson // 01

Trust the design process

Following the design process allowed our team to create a solution that solved for a business problem by understanding user needs, identifying a gap, and creating a solution that resolved that issue.

An icon of a group of people

Lesson // 02

The importance collaboration

My team’s diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and experiences, allowed us to approach this problem space from many different angles and ultimately we came up with a better outcome as a result.